dobrodošli v shadowland! kraj daje vtis povsem običajnega ameriškega mesteca; voden je s strani župana ter mestnega sveta, ima svojo bolnišnico, policijsko postajo, nakupovalni center, številne pube, restavracije ter cerkev v kateri se verneži vsako nedeljo zberejo pri sveti maši. vendar pa kljub navidezni običajnosti ne gre zanemariti dejstva, da se vsaj enkrat mesečno najde truplo, ki je bilo bodisi raztrgano na koščke, bodisi brez vse krvi, ali pa ubito na način ki že nekoliko meji na nemogoče. prav tako bi bilo potrebno poudariti, da razni nenavadni oziroma skoraj neverjetni dogodki tu niso nobena redkost, izginotja pa se v shadow land dogajajo veliko pogosteje kot kjerkoli drugod. tujci so prava redkost, če pa že pridejo pa so v večini primerov nadnaravna bitja, ki so končno našla raj na zemlji.
Naslov sporočila: lucia kasdeya la morte Čet Jun 27, 2013 3:58 pm
AGE: 18/2098
GROUP: vampires
SIDE: the dark side
FAMILY: one word: dead
SEXUALITY: hetero(straight)
PLAY BY: taylor momsen
HISTORY: Lucia was born 2098 years ago, but no one really knows the date. All she knows is, that she was born during a storm, her mother died and it was winter without any snow. She know she's a londoner and has a British accent. Her father was french/italian and so she got her surname. You will now say: How? 2098 years ago they didn't have surnames. Well, let me tell you something about history. There was a special 'club' for wealthy people, that documented everything carefully. But they managed to leave out her birthdate. Her mother was British. They were a well-known and respected family. Her father loved Cassidy(her mother) so much, that he never re-married and Lucia stayed an only child. She wasn't really bothered by that. But soon, they realised that she wasn't normal. They called her mad, but in reality, she was and still is(although she died, the illness carried on) schizophrenic. She was ruthless and a genius. A mad scientist. She preformed the most sick things on people, like doing autopsies, while they're alive and such. Just to learn, she said. Anyways, she was really intelligent. She knew eveything. She was killed at age of 18. But what they didn't know was that she was bitten and fed by a vampire earlier that day and she became immortal. Over the history, she had many known and unknown names. Currently, she is in America, modeling, singing(only for fun) and of course, being a serial killer. CHARACTER: She isn't a very open person. She doesn't trust anybody and doesn't allow herself to love. In her opinion, love is a weakness, but deep,deep inside, behind all the voices and heartless being, there's a girl, who just wants to be loved. She's smart and doesn't think twice about a thing. She is an excellent liar and very mysterious. She is a rebel, when it comes to killing. But normally, she's a shy and insecure girl. There's one other thing. She's anorexic. Doesn't have high self-esteem. She's a nerd, really smart and a freak. No one knows about schizophrenia. She keeps her secrets buried. She never lets anyone discover her inside, her true side. She's evil and mean sometimes. She is careful and tidy. A bit impatient, because she doesn't like to waste her time. LOOK: She's a tall blonde, with long hair. Sometimes, it's curly, sometimes straight. She dresses into dark colours, because they represent her personality very well. She has blue eyes and pale skin. She's been like this, even as a human. Her lips are almost always covered with lipstick. She has pearly-white teeth, that is red and longer at least once a day. She could be called sexy, if she'd have any flesh on her bones. But she isn't pleased with herself, that's why she starves herself. She uses dark makeup and loves electronics, such as iPod, iPhone, laptops.... very good in online games and hacking computers. She has a small, hooked-up nose and long, thin fingers. Long legs and a small waist.
Hello peeps! Torej jaz se ukvarjam z rpg forumi že približno šest let. Stara sem 14(vem, hitro sem začela) ter sem bila že na navadnem in kratkem rpg-ju. I love to rpg with y'all! Če pa vas kaj zanima, mi lahko pošljete PM!! (in ja, vem,da sem svoj opis le prekopirala in obljubim, da bodo posti v slovenščini, kot so bili prej)<3